USDA Organic Certified Coffee
Grade 1 (highest possible grade in all of Ethiopia).
If you have ever enjoyed coffee from Ethiopia, and especially if you have ever enjoyed the sweetness of coffee that was washed with a Dry Natural washing process (allowing the sweet cherry husk of the coffee bean to dry completely before removing it, so its sweetness soaks into the bean itself) — or, if you would LIKE to enjoy these delightful coffee pleasures — these roasted Ethiopia Dry Natural beans are the ULTIMATE.
All over the world, customers who drank and enjoyed this particular coffee in our Beverly Hills store continue to order it from us online, telling us no other Ethiopian holds a candle to ours! (Full disclosure: we only ship within the US, so if you live abroad, you have to have access to your own international freight service and/or a good friend who will ship it to you from a US address!)
USDA Organic Certified products must be produced using agricultural production practices that foster resource cycling, promote ecological balance, maintain and improve soil and water quality, minimize the use of synthetic materials, and conserve biodiversity.
Images Provided by Royal Coffee, Inc.